Saturday, May 24, 2008

Timeline: How the Aarushi murder probe unfolded

Following is the sequence of events in the investigation into the killing of 15-year-old Aarushi Talwar and domestic help Hemraj that culminated in the arrest of her father Rajesh Talwar on Friday.
May 16
Aarushi Talwar, daughter of a dentist couple, found dead with her throat slit in the bedroom of her flat in Jal Vayu Vihar; domestic help Hemraj suspected.
May 17
*Hemraj's body found on terrace of Talwar's house.
*Noida sector 20 station house officer shifted for lapses in investigations.
*Autopsy report rules out sexual assault.
May 18
*Police say murders done with surgical precision; insider job suspected.
*Superintendent of Police (City) Mahesh Mishra shifted out.
May 19
*Talwar's former domestic help Vishnu Sharma named suspect.
May 21
*Delhi Police join murder probe; police say murder committed by "doctor or butcher".
May 22
*Family under suspicion; honour killing angle probed; police quiz Aarushi's close friend Anmol, who she spoke to 688 times in the 45 days before she was murdered.
May 23
*Aarushi's father Rajesh Talwar arrested for twin murders.

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